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Aïcha Liviana Messina

Aïcha Liviana Messina is Professor at the University Diego Portales. Her work focuses mainly on the topics of law, criticism, and on the relation between violence and language. She is the author of an essay on Marx, Amour/Argent. Le livre blanc des manuscrits de 1844 (Le portique/La Phocide, 2011), of a book on Levinas, L’anarchie de la paix. Levinas et la philosophie politique (CNRS, 2018), of a book on Blanchot, The Writing of Innocence. Blanchot and the Deconstruction of Christianity (SUNY, 2022). She has also written books related to contemporary political issues and to artistic experiences such as Poser me va si bien (POL, 2005), Feminismo y revolución followed by de Santiago 2019 (Metales Pesados 2020). With Constanza Michelson, she has co-written Una falla en la lógica del universo (Metales Pesados 2020).
Other texts by Aïcha Liviana Messina for DIAPHANES
  • Crystal Skin

    In: Susanna Lindberg (ed.), Artemy Magun (ed.), Marita Tatari (ed.), Thinking With—Jean-Luc Nancy

  • community
  • democracy
  • deconstruction
  • post-structuralism
  • ethics