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    This book series features contemporary theories: the texts are written by philosophers and thinkers who see themselves emphatically in the sphere between philosophical debate and those urgently acute questions as posed in today’s wider debate.

  • Plato & Co.

    Plato & Co.

    At its most basic, philosophy is about learning how to think about the world around us. It should come as no surprise, then, that children make excellent philosophers! Naturally inquisitive, pint-size scholars need little prompting before being willing to consider life’s “big questions,” however strange or impractical. Plato & Co. introduces children—and curious grown-ups—to the lives and work of famous philosophers, from Descartes to Socrates, Einstein, Marx, and Wittgenstein. Each book in the series features an engaging—and often funny—story that presents basic tenets of philosophical thought alongside vibrant color illustrations.
    Plato & Co.’s clear approach and charming illustrations make this series the perfect addition to any little library.

  • Reiner Schürmann Selected Writings & Lecture Notes

    Reiner Schürmann Selected Writings & Lecture Notes

    Edited by Francesco Guercio, Michael Heitz, Ian Alexander Moore, and Nicolas Schneider

    This edition aims to provide a broader perspective on the prolific, multifaceted, and still largely unrecognized body of work produced by Reiner Schürmann (1941–1993). It brings together a selection of Schürmann’s as yet unpublished lecture notes, ­written for the courses he delivered at the New School for Social Research in New York between 1975 and 1993, with previously uncollected essays.
    These works offer an additional avenue into the repertoire already available—including recent re-editions of his major philosophical works and of his only novel. The printed works will be complemented by a digital edition of Schürmann’s typescripts, along with transcriptions and an extensive critical apparatus.
    We hope that the Selected Writings and Lecture Notes will contribute to a renewed appreciation of the scope of Schürmann’s philosophical endeavor and help to establish him as one of those thinkers who are indispensable for the understanding of our present—or, rather, to show our present as the moment of legibility for Schürmann’s work. We are grateful to the Reiner Schürmann Estate for entrusting us with the responsibility of this work and for their full endorsement.


    Collection dirigée par Mehdi Belhaj Kacem et Jean-Luc Nancy

    Anarchies et non anarchisme. Les ismes émoussent toujours le tranchant d’une vigueur. Ici, celle de l’an-archie au sens de Reiner Schürmann : d’une origine toujours-déjà disséminée et fracturée ; du principe de l’absence de tout principe directeur pour l’agir comme pour la pensée. Ce qui n’interdit aucunement la sympathie pour les luttes historiques héroïques des prolétaires anarchistes réels : la Commune de Paris (en-deçà de sa « récupération » léniniste), la grève générale de 1906, La Révolution espagnole, mai 68 et les situationnistes… Or une collection « philosophique » doit véhiculer au moins l’Idée d’une « politique ».

    Ces derniers guillemets veulent indiquer ce qui précise la vocation de la présente collection : anarchies, car il n’y a pas « l’ » anarchie, en quelque sens que ce soit (pas plus qu’il n’y a « le » chaos). L’anarchie qui règne dans le champ philosophique n’est pas celle de la science, celle des nouvelles pratiques érotiques n’est pas celle de la production artistique, les nouvelles formes d’anarchisme politiques ne relèvent pas de la même « absence de principe » que les tragiques apories contemporaines du droit. La dissémination – fidèle sans affiliation à la différance de Derrida – ne doit pas être un mot qui, par un tour pervers, subsume à nouveau tout ; elle doit se montrer.

    Fidèle – à l’infini.
    C’est donc de l’hétérogénéité effective, en abyme fracturé, de toutes ces pratiques et pensées an-archiques, qu’aimerait rendre raison, à sa mesure, la présente collection. Quand bien même dirigée par deux « philosophes » (chacun à sa façon très réservé envers l’assurance que semble aujourd’hui revêtir cette appellation), la collection s’ouvrira donc aux pratiques les plus diverses, les plus excitantes et les plus désorientantes de la littérature, des arts, de la pratique politique, de l’épistémologie ou de l’éthique érotique du présent.


    Co-published with the German Center for Art History in Paris (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, DFK Paris), the collections PASSAGES and PASSERELLES bring together books in French and German on art from the Middle Ages to the present day. Both collections were founded in 1997 by Thomas W. Gaehtgens in parallel with the creation of the DFK Paris. Located in the heart of the French capital and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the institute is a forum for exchanging ideas between art historians around the world. French and German intellectual traditions engage here in a fruitful dialogue with currents of international thought, encouraging innovative and interdisciplinary research on art. The DFK Paris supports the dissemination and translation of research in the two languages by publishing the studies of researchers working at the institute as well as essays and monographs by international art historians so as to offer a diversity of methodological and historiographical approaches. Its publication programme thus covers a wide range of topics, such as artistic transfer phenomena and transregional questions, the art market, collectors and collections, architectural history, art theory, political iconography, and historical source editions.


    Co-published with the German Center for Art History in Paris (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, DFK Paris), the collections PASSAGES and PASSERELLES bring together books in French and German on art from the Middle Ages to the present day. Both collections were founded in 1997 by Thomas W. Gaehtgens in parallel with the creation of the DFK Paris. Located in the heart of the French capital and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the institute is a forum for exchanging ideas between art historians around the world. French and German intellectual traditions engage here in a fruitful dialogue with currents of international thought, encouraging innovative and interdisciplinary research on art. The DFK Paris supports the dissemination and translation of research in the two languages by publishing the studies of researchers working at the institute as well as essays and monographs by international art historians so as to offer a diversity of methodological and historiographical approaches. Its publication programme thus covers a wide range of topics, such as artistic transfer phenomena and transregional questions, the art market, collectors and collections, architectural history, art theory, political iconography, and historical source editions.
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