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Álvaro Fernández Bravo

is an independent scholar at CONICET, Argentina. After studying literature at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, he obtained his master’s and doctoral degrees at Princeton University, and carried out postdoctoral research at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. He has been a professor at Temple University, USA, numerous universities in Argentina, and the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. From 2008 until 2013 he was director of New York University Buenos Aires. He has published widely on film, literature and the culture industry. His most recent book is El museo vacío: acumulación primitiva, patrimonio cultural e identidades colectivas, Argentina y Brasil, 1880–1945 (2016).
Other texts by Álvaro Fernández Bravo for DIAPHANES
  • aesthetics
  • art theory
  • ecology
  • cultural critic
  • architecture