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Andrea Lermer

received her Ph.D. in art history in 2002 from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. She has been trained as a museum curator in Munich and New York and is currently assistant professor at the Institute of Art History at LMU Munich. Her research interests lie particularly in the functions, mediality and iconography of late medieval European artworks as well as in the cultural contacts and artistic translations between Southern Europe and the Islamic countries.

Other texts by Andrea Lermer for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2010
    After One Hundred Years: The 1910 Exhibition Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst Reconsidered. Internationale Tagung in München, 24.–25. Oktober 2008 (Hg. mit Avinoam Shalem), Leiden, Brill
  • 2009
    »Besiegelung des Rathauses. Der Veneçia-Tondo am Dogenpalast in Venedig«, in: Markus Späth (Hg.): Die Bildlichkeit korporativer Siegel im Mittelalter. Kunstgeschichte und Geschichte im Gespräch, S. 131–146, Köln, Weimar, Wien, Böhlau Verlag
  • 2005
    Der gotische ›Dogenpalast‹ in Venedig. Baugeschichte und Skulpturenprogramm des Palatium Communis Venetiarum, München, Deutscher Kunstverlag
  • painting
  • iconography
  • Byzantium
  • gaze
  • antiquity
  • Middle ages
  • eye
  • observer
  • Islamic art
  • public sphere
  • art history