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Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky

is Professor of Media Theory and Gender Studies at the Institute for Media Studies at the Ruhr-Universit t Bochum and an active contributor to the university’s Gender Studies network. Furthermore, she is an external affiliate of the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt University, Berlin, the ICI Berlin and the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought at Goldsmith College, University of London. Deuber-Mankowsky studied philosophy and German literature in Zurich and Berlin and she co-founded and edited the journal Die Philosophin. Forum für Philosophie und feministische Theorie from 1990 to 2005. Her current research focuses, among other things, on the topic of queer subjectification in film in the light of the current transformation of film technologies and genres in the works of Todd Haynes, Su Friedrichs, Yael Bartana und Sharon Hayes (Queeres Post-Cinema, 2017). From 1995 until 2000, she was research fellow at the Department of Cultural History and Theory at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Among her recent publications are: Conatus und Lebensnot. Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie (ed. with Anna Tuschling, 2017), Denkweisen des Spiels. Medienphilosophische Annäherungen (ed. with Reinhold G rling, 2017), Situiertes Wissen und regionale Epistemologie: Zur Aktualität Georges Canguilhems und Donna J. Haraways (ed. with Christoph Holzhey, 2013), Praktiken der Illusion. Kant, Nietzsche, Cohen, Benjamin bis Donna J. Haraway (2007) und Lara Croft. Cyber Heroine (2005).
Other texts by Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2007
    Praktiken der Illusion. Kant, Nietzsche, Cohen, Benjamin bis Donna J. Haraway , Berlin, Verlag Vorwerk 8
  • ecology
  • contemporary art
  • celebrities
  • mass media
  • global ecology
  • contemporary art
  • aesthetization
  • technologie
  • Alfred North Whitehead
  • art theory
  • media ecology
  • identity
  • Donna Haraway
  • aesthetics
  • digital media