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Betti Marenko

is a design theorist. She is reader in Design and Techno-Digital Futures at the University of the Arts London (UAL), as well as Contextual Studies Leader for Product Design at Central Saint Martins (UAL). Furthermore she is Visiting Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Her work at the intersection of philosophy and design investigates the tension between design taken as way of speculating on, and instigating, futures, and thought that addresses materiality, the virtual and the nonhuman. She is interested in repositioning design in the 21st century as a problematising tool for thinking, making and creating change. She is the co-editor of the volume Deleuze and Design (Edinburgh University Press, 2015) and her writing appears in several edited volumes, most recently: Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural (Oxford University Press, 2019), UnDesign: Critical Practices at the Intersection of Art and Design (Routledge, 2018), Encountering Things. Design and Theories of Things (Bloomsbury, 2017), as well as in the journals Design and Culture, Design Studies and Digital Creativity.
Other texts by Betti Marenko for DIAPHANES
  • art theory
  • global ecology
  • contemporary art
  • media ecology
  • technologie
  • contemporary art
  • ecology