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Brigitte Bargetz

is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna. She is also co-editor of the feminist journal Femina Politica. In her current project “A Political Grammar of Feelings,” she relates to political theories of radical democracy, debates about the current turn to affect and matter, as well as feminist, queer and postcolonial research on political feelings.

Other texts by Brigitte Bargetz for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2014
    ouvernementalität und Geschlecht. Politische Theorie im Anschluss an Michel Foucault (Hg. mit Gundula Ludwig und Birgit Sauer), Frankfurt a. M., Campus
  • 2014
    Ambivalenzen des Alltags: Neuorientierungen für eine Theorie des Politischen, Bielefeld, transcript
  • body
  • gender
  • epistemology
  • knowledge
  • affects
  • media theory
  • temporality
  • perception
  • media studies