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Clio Nicastro

teaches at Bard College Berlin and is currently affiliated with ICI Berlin. She studied Philosophy at the University of Palermo (Italy) where she completed her PhD in Aesthetics and Theory of Arts with a thesis on the notion of Denkraum der Besonnenheit in Aby Warburg, which she is in the process of adapting into a book. In 2015 she moved to Berlin as a DAAD postdoctoral fellow working on the German filmmaker Harun Farocki. From 2016-2018 she was a postdoctoral fellow at ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry. Her current research focuses on the cinematic representations of eating disorders as well as on cinema and labor, a project she has been carrying out together with Saima Akhtar and Rosa Barotsi since 2016.
Other texts by Clio Nicastro for DIAPHANES
  • cosmopolitics
  • art theory
  • politics
  • globalization
  • art