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Dominique de Font-Réaulx

is Director of Outreach and Cultural Programming at the musée du Louvre, where she is a Lead Curator of Cultural Heritage. She served as the Director of the musée Eugène Delacroix between 2013 and late 2018. She has been, since January 2018, the editor-in-chief of the journal Histoire de l’art. She was in charge of the scientific coordination of the Louvre Abu-Dhabi project to Henri Loyrette, Director and CEO of the musée du Louvre. Prior to this appointment, she served as a curator at the musée d’Orsay, in charge of the photography collection; she began her career as curator in charge of the collection of molds of the musée des Monuments français, its restoration and new displays. She has curated numerous exhibitions, such as, in 2002, L’Invention du sentiment (musée de la musique), in 2003, Le daguerréotype français, un objet photo­graphique (musée d’Orsay, Metropolitan Museum of Art) ; en 2007–08, Gustave Courbet (1819–77) (Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Metropolitan Museum of Art, musée Fabre); Jean-Léon Gérôme (2010, musée d’Orsay, Getty Museum, ­Thyssen Foundation, Madrid) ; Une Brève histoire de l’avenir (2015, ­Louvre); Shakespeare romantique (2017/18, Saint-Omer et à Namur). She has published widely, such as Painting and Photography, 1839–1914 (Flammarion, 2013). In 2018, she published the manuscripts of the young Eugène Delacroix, with Flammarion. She teaches at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, where she serves as scientific advisor to the cultural courses.
Other texts by Dominique de Font-Réaulx for DIAPHANES
  • contemporary art
  • art theory
  • photography
  • conversation