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Felix Stalder

is a Professor for Digital Culture in the Department Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts and Principal Investigator for the Creating Commons research project. His work focuses on the intersections of cultural, political and technological dynamics, in particular on commons, control society, copyright and transformation of subjectivity. He not only works as an academic, but also as a cultural producer, being a moderator of the mailing list < nettime > and a member of the World Information Institute as well as the Technopolitics Working Group (both in Vienna). Among his recent publications are Digital Solidarity (PML & Mute, 2014) and The Digital Condition (Polity Press, 2018).
Other texts by Felix Stalder for DIAPHANES
  • cultural practice
  • cultural journalism
  • authorship
  • art
  • digitalization
  • cyberculture
  • digital media
  • digital culture
  • culture industry
  • copyright
  • mass media
  • algorithms
  • aesthetics