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Ferhat Taylan

is postdoctoral researcher in philosophy at the University of Li ge within the context of the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS). The focus of his research lies on the modern categories of environmental knowledge and their implication in social policies. His PhD thesis explored the French notion of ‘milieu’ as well as its ramifications in social sciences and politics, published 2018 by Editions de la Sorbonne as Mésopolitique. Connaître, théoriser, gouverner les milieux de vie (1750–1900). He is author of an essay on historical epistemology, Concepts et rationalités. Héritages de l'épistémologie historique de Meyerson à Foucault (Editions Matériologiques, 2018). Furthermore Taylan has taught philosophy of environment at the Nanterre University and science studies at Sciences Po in Paris.
Other texts by Ferhat Taylan for DIAPHANES
  • art theory
  • technologie
  • media ecology
  • contemporary art
  • global ecology
  • contemporary art
  • ecology