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Gottfried Kerscher

is a professor of art history at the University of Trier. He completed his doctoral thesis, Benedictus Antelami oder das Baptisterium von Parma: Kunst und kommunales Selbstverständnis, in 1986, and his professorial thesis, Architektur als Repräsentation: Spätmittelalterliche Palastbaukunst zwischen Pracht und zeremoniellen Voraussetzungen: Avignon, Mallorca, Kirchenstaat, in 2000. Current research interests include Leges Palatinae (ceremonial and court laws of the Middle Ages); the Trier Cathedral, St. Matthias’ Abbey, and St. Simeon/Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany; and Focillon, Bergson, and Kubler.
Other texts by Gottfried Kerscher for DIAPHANES
  • gaze
  • physiology
  • history of science