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Henning Schmidgen

is a professor of media studies at Bauhaus University of Weimar. He studied psychology, philosophy, and linguistics in Berlin and Paris before turning to the history of science. His PhD dissertation dealt with Félix Guattari and his notion of technological subjectivity. Current research interests include experimental cultures, machine aesthetics, and virtual laboratories.
Other texts by Henning Schmidgen for DIAPHANES
  • american
  • 2015
    Bruno Latour in Pieces, New York, Fordham University Press
  • 2014
    The Helmholtz Curves, New York, Fordham University Press
  • German
  • 2014
    Hirn und Zeit. Die Geschichte eines Experiments 1800-1950, Berlin, Matthes & Seitz
  • 2004
    Kultur im Experiment (hg. mit Peter Geimer u.a.), Berlin, Kadmos
  • 1996
    Das Unbewusste der Maschinen, München, Fink
  • gaze
  • interdisciplinarity
  • knowledge
  • epistemology
  • sociology
  • history of science
  • technologie
  • historic documents
  • 1980s
  • physiology
  • Cybernetics
  • media
  • history of knowledge
  • ecology
  • computer science