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Jacob Rogozinski

Jacob Rogozinski is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Strasbourg University, where he succeeded Jean-Luc Nancy in 2002. His research focuses on contemporary French philosophy, political philosophy and the phenomenology of the self or “ego-analysis.” He recently published: Le moi et la chair – introduction à l’ego-analyse (Cerf, 2006, English translation: Stanford University Press, 2010), Guérir la vie – la Passion d’Antonin Artaud (Cerf, 2011, German translation: Verlag Turia + Kant, 2019), Cryptes de Derrida (Lignes, 2014), Ils m’ont haï sans raison – de la chasse aux sorcières à la Terreur (Cerf, 2015, English translation forthcoming: Fordham University Press), Djihadisme – le retour du sacrifice (Desclée de Brouwer, 2017), Moïse l’insurgé (Cerf, 2022).
Other texts by Jacob Rogozinski for DIAPHANES
  • deconstruction
  • post-structuralism
  • community
  • ethics
  • democracy