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Jean-Christophe Bailly

Jean-Christophe Bailly was born in 1949 in Paris. He is a writer who experimented in all genres except the novel. His relationship to philosophy, based on an active reading into early German Romanticism, has intensified since the 1980s when he met J.-L. Nancy and P. Lacoue-Labarthe. He published, together with Nancy, La Comparution (1991). Among his numerous works are: Panoramiques (Bourgois, 2000), Le Champ mimétique (Seuil, 2005), Le Versant animal (Bayard, 2007), L’Élargissement du poème (Bourgois, 2016) ou L’Imagement (Seuil, 2020). His most famous book is Le Dépaysement (Seuil, 2011).
Other texts by Jean-Christophe Bailly for DIAPHANES
  • anthropocene
  • post-structuralism
  • democracy
  • ethics
  • singularity
  • finitude
  • community
  • deconstruction
  • borders
  • globalization