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Juliane Rebentisch

is Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics at the University of Arts and Design in Offenbach/Main. She has been research associate with the collaborate research centre »Ästhetische Erfahrung im Zeichen der Entgrenzung der Künste« (2003-2008). Her research focus is on aesthetics, ethics and political philosophy. She is the author of a number of publications on contemporary art.

Other texts by Juliane Rebentisch for DIAPHANES
  • English
  • 2012
    Aesthetics of Installation Art, Berlin, Sternberg Press
  • German
  • 2012
    Die Kunst der Freiheit. Zur Dialektik demokratischer Existenz, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp
  • 2010
    Kreation und Depression. Freiheit im gegenwärtigen Kapitalismus (Hg.), Berlin, Kadmos
  • 2003
    Ästhetik der Installation, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp
  • aesthetics
  • violence
  • war
  • aesthetization
  • body
  • contemporary art
  • politics
  • activism
  • gender
  • art
  • Alain Badiou
  • Camp
  • community
  • History
  • biopolitics