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Kai van Eikels

is a philosopher and scholar of theater and literature. After guest professorships in Gießen, Berlin, and Hildesheim, he is currently a senior lecturer at the Institute of Theater Studies at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His research focuses on anarchic, self-organized collective forms such as swarms or smart mobs; art and labor; politics of the performative; synchronization, time, and materiality. Publications: Die Kunst des Kollektiven. Performance zwischen Theater, Politik und Sozio-Ökonomie (2013), Art works – Ästhetik des Postfordismus (with Netzwerk Kunst + Arbeit, 2015); Szenen des Virtuosen (with Gabriele Brandstetter and Bettina Brandl-Risi, 2017); theory blog:
Other texts by Kai van Eikels for DIAPHANES
  • theatre studies
  • disability studies
  • public sphere
  • identity
  • theatre / drama
  • culture industry
  • Jérôme Bel
  • body
  • performance
  • aesthetics
  • performing arts
  • society
  • perception