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Kathrin Peters

Kathrin Peters

is a scholar of art history and cultural studies. She has been research associate with several institutions (such as the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, at the institute of art history at Freie Universität Berlin, at the Braunschweig University of Art) and held the position of substitute professor at the department of European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam and professor for the »History and Theory of Contemporary Media« at the University of Oldenburg. She currently holds the position of professor for the »History and Theory of Visual Culture« at the University of Arts Berlin.

  • German
  • 2010
    Rätselbilder des Geschlechts, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2008
    »die stadt von morgen«. Beiträge zu einer Archäologie des Hansaviertels Berlin (Hg. mit Annette Maechtel), Köln, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König
  • 2002
    Future Bodies. Zur Visualisierung von Körpern in Science und Fiction (Hg. mit Marie-Luise Angerer und Zoë Sofoulis), Wien/New York, Springer Verlag
  • photography
  • history of science
  • feminism
  • body
  • history of media
  • media theory
  • everyday life
  • digital media
  • theory of architecture
  • media studies
  • queer theory
  • gender
  • architecture
  • history of knowledge
  • history of medicine