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Knut Ebeling

Knut Ebeling is Professor of Media Theory and Aesthetics at Weissensee Academy of Art, Berlin. He has published numerous works on contemporary theory, art and aesthetics, most recently: Sorge. Autotheorie der Trauer (2021).
Other texts by Knut Ebeling for DIAPHANES
  • War in the Head: Meditating with Bataille

    In: Sebastián Eduardo Dávila (ed.), Rebecca Hanna John (ed.), Ulrike Jordan (ed.), Thorsten Schneider (ed.), Judith Sieber (ed.), Nele Wulff (ed.), On Withdrawal—Scenes of Refusal, Disappearance, and Resilience in Art and Cultural Practices

  • artistic practice
  • protest movements
  • resistance
  • contemporary art