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Laura Flórez Castellar

Laura Flórez Castellar is a research assistant of art and society at the University of Kassel and a faculty member of ethnographic methods at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO). She is a curatorial committee member of the exhibition La Violencia en el Espacio, Memoria, Arte y Verdad at the Museo Nacional de Colombia (2024–2025) and co-authored with Lucía Expósito-Cívico Promesas que resisten a los modelos de industria académica en Europa: Alianzas entre investigadoras subalternas (Lutas Anticapital, 2024). She is an artist (National University of Colombia), anthropologist (University of Neuchâtel) and a PhD candidate at the University of Kassel.
Other texts by Laura Flórez Castellar for DIAPHANES
  • artistic practice
  • global ecology
  • ecology