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Maria Kaika

holds a PhD in Urban Geography from Oxford University, and an MA in Architecture and Planning from the National Technical University of Athens. She is the Chair in Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning, at the University of Amsterdam and is also Professor of Human Geography at the University of Manchester, Honorary Fellow of the Manchester Architecture Research Centre, and co-editor in chief of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. In 2012 the architect and geographer was endowed with the Professorship of the City of Vienna. She has taught at the Universities of Oxford, Paris Est (LATTS), KU Leuven, University of London and TU Vienna. The focus of her research lies on urban political ecology, urban radical imaginaries, cities and crisis, and land financialization. Her work has been awarded funding from national and international research councils and organisations (including the British Academy, the EU Framework Research Programme and the Marie Curie programme). Kaika is Principle Investigator for the European Network for Political Ecology ENTITLE. Amongst her academic publications are City of Flows: Modernity, Nature and the City (Routledge, New York 2005) and, as co-editor with Nik Heynen and Erik Swyngedouw, In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Metabolism of Urban Environments (Routledge, London 2006).
Other texts by Maria Kaika for DIAPHANES
  • art theory
  • global ecology
  • contemporary art
  • technologie
  • media ecology
  • ecology
  • contemporary art