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Mariya Nikolova

is a doctoral candidate at the RTG minor cosmopolitanisms with a joint PhD fellowship between Potsdam University and University of New South Wales (Australia). She received a Masters degree in Transnational Literature, Theatre and Film at the University of Bremen, and a Bachelor degree in English-Speaking Cultures and Political Science at the University of Bremen and Birmingham City University. Mariya has worked as an interpreter for women affected by HIV at the Bremer Public Health Department and as the coordinator for the Volunteer, English and Youth Zones Departments of the Bulgarian Youth and Children Parliament. Mariya’s research revolves around Critical Theory and Experimental Literature. Her dissertation investigates tropes of futurity embedded in the American avant-garde canon. Mariya’s non-academic engagements include performance art and photography.
Other texts by Mariya Nikolova for DIAPHANES
  • globalization
  • art theory
  • cosmopolitics
  • art
  • politics