User account

Matthias Krüger

Matthias Krüger

studied History of Art, Philosophy and English language and literature at the University of Hamburg and obtained his doctoral degree in 2004 with a study on pastose painting in 19th century France. After having worked at the Universities of Bern, Munich and Bamberg, he currently teaches Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of Hamburg. His research focus lies on: color, artistic utensils, local color.

  • German
  • 2013
    Die Biologie der Kreativität, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2012
    Werkzeuge und Instrumente (Hg. mit Philippe Cordez), Berlin, Akademie Verlag
  • 2011
    Im Dienst der Nation. Identitätsstiftungen und Identitätsbrüche in Werken der bildenden Kunst (Hg. mit Isabella Woldt), Berlin, Akademie Verlag
  • modeling
  • aesthetics of production
  • Modernism
  • art history
  • artist
  • creativity
  • art
  • aesthetics