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Nina Zschocke

Nina Zschocke

is a PostDoc at the Institute for the History and Theory of the Architecture (gta) at ETH Zurich. Since 2008 she has been coordinating the doctoral program ProDoc Art&Science. After receiving her Ph.D. from University of Cologne she taught at the Institute of Art History at University of Zurich and worked as a visiting scholar at University College London and the Italian Academy at Columbia University, New York. Her research interests concern contemporary art and architecture and center on the relations between the discipline of history of art, the arts and the natural sciences.

  • German
  • 2012
    Autorität des Wissens, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2006
    Der irritierte Blick. Kunstrezeption und Aufmerksamkeit, München, Fink
  • authority
  • subjectification
  • amateurism
  • experiment
  • contemporary art
  • reception
  • art history
  • artistic research
  • history of science
  • knowledge