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Nuno Ramos

is a Brazilian artist based in Sâo Paolo whose work includes sculpture, filmmaking, composition, poetry, novels, and journalism. As well as large-scale installations, Ramos also produces outdoor works in which natural elements play an integral role. He has participated in important exhibitions since 1983, including the 1985, 1989 and 1994 editions of the Bienal de São Paulo, and represented Brazil at the Biennale di Venezia in 1995. His distinctions include the Grand Award of the Barnett Newman Foundation in 2006 and the Prêmio Portugal Telecom de Literatura in 2009. In 2015, he was Distinguished Brazilian Writer in Residence at the University of California, Berkeley. His books include Ó, Junco, Ensaio Geral, and Adeus, cavalo, published with Editora Iluminuras in Brazil, and Beatriz Viterbo, in Argentina.
Other texts by Nuno Ramos for DIAPHANES
  • aesthetics
  • art theory
  • architecture
  • cultural critic
  • ecology