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Petra Löffler

Petra Löffler

Petra Löffler is a media and cultural studies scholar and since 2020 professor for theory and history of contemporary media at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. She has held professorships at the University of Siegen, the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Humboldt University Berlin and was senior fellow at Bauhaus University Weimar and Leuphana University Lüneburg. Her research focusses on media ecology, contemporary media practices, decolonizing methodologies, and oceanic media. Recent publications: Bilder verteilen. Fotografische Praktiken in der digitalen Kultur (2018, co-authored with Winfried Gerling and Susanne Holschbach); Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times: A Critical Atlas of the Anthropocene (2021, co-authored with Réka Patrícia Gál); Records of Disaster. Media Infrastructures and Climate Change (2022, co-authored with Jakob Claus).

  • English
  • 2025
  • German
  • 2005
    Gesichter des Films (Hg. mit Joanna Barck), Bielefeld, transcript
  • 2004
    Das Gesicht ist eine starke Organisation (Hg. mit Leander Scholz), Köln, DuMont
  • 2004
    Affekbilder. Eine Mediengeschichte der Mimik, Bielefeld, transcript
  • 2002
    Medientheorien 1888–1933. Texte und Kommentare (Hg. mit Albert Kümmel), Frankfurt/M, Suhrkamp
  • history of media
  • vertigo
  • media studies
  • attention
  • Walter Benjamin
  • crowd
  • media theory
  • distraction
  • Early Cinema
  • panorama
  • Siegfried Kracauer
  • caleidoscope
  • perception
  • cinema
  • film