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Philippe Despoix

Philippe Despoix

is a professor in the Department of Comparative Literature at Université de Montréal and a former director of the Canadian Center for German and European Studies. IFK-Senior Fellow 2009–2010 in Vienna, he has been since 2009 editor-in-chief of Intermédialités, a Canadian journal on the history and theory of the arts, literature and technologies.

  • English
  • 2014
    The Past's Threshold, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2012
    Synchroniser / Synchronizing (with/avec Nicolas Donin) (= Intermédialités Nr. 19), Ort, Verlag
  • 2008
    Travailler / Working: Harun Farocki (= Intermédialités Nr. 11), Ort, Verlag
  • 2004
    Crosscultural Encounters and Constructions of Knowledge in the 18th and 19th Century (mit Justus Fetscher), Kassel, Kassel University Press
  • German
  • 2009
    Die Welt vermessen. Dispositive der Forschungsreise im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, Göttingen, Wallstein
  • 1998
    Ethiken der Entzauberung, Philo Verlag, Bodenheim
  • French
  • 2006
    Siegfried Kracauer, Penseur de l'histoire (ed. avec Peter Schöttler), Paris, Editions MSH
  • History of photography
  • Siegfried Kracauer
  • film
  • media theory
  • evidence
  • history of media
  • digital media
  • photography
  • everyday life
  • media studies
  • documentarism
  • practice
  • truth