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Sandrine Israel-Jost

Sandrine Israel-Jost teaches philosophy at the HEAR (Haute École des Arts du Rhin), in Strasbourg. She was the student and doctoral student of Jean-Luc Nancy. She is the author of a doctoral thesis in philosophy on the concept of contingency which she tries, starting from a dialogue between Aristotle and Nietzsche, to think about the present and not the future. She has published articles focusing mainly on the links between literature and philosophy or between art, aesthetics and ecology/ecosophy. A work on the problem of “milieu”, based on Hippocrates and D.W. Winnicott, is in preparation. She is an associate member of Crephac (Centre de recherche en philosophie allemande et contemporaine, Strasbourg), and is Vice-President of ARPPS (Association pour les rencontres Philosophie-Psychanalyse, Strasbourg).
Other texts by Sandrine Israel-Jost for DIAPHANES
  • community
  • deconstruction
  • post-structuralism
  • ethics
  • democracy