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Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is a writer living in Philadelphia. Their analyses of feminist anti-utopianisms, octopusdocumentaries, and heterosexual televisual artifacts have been published in journals such as n+1, Harper's, The New York Times, The London Review of Books, and Boston Review. Sophie is the author of Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against Family, and more recently of Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation. Previously, Dr Lewis studied English (and then environmental theory) at Oxford University and earned a PhD in human geography at the University of Manchester. As a member of the faculty of Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, Sophie teaches courses on feminist theory, trans and queer politics, and antiwork philosophy, online and open to all. A Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Research on Feminist, Queer and Transgender Studies, Sophie is nevertheless a freelance writer. Their lectures, podcast appearances and essays are archived at
  • family
  • gender
  • political theory
  • social movements
  • community
  • birth
  • critique of neoliberalism
  • motherhood
  • body
  • communism
  • ethics
  • feminism