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Ulaş Aktaş

is  a cultural anthropologist and associate researcher at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main. He is researcher in the “cern minor lab”, co-editor of the magazine: “plateau – Zeitschrift für experimentelle Kulturanthropologie” and co-founder of the interdisciplinary research group “menschenformen”. His areas of teaching and research focus on body in the technological and social transformation processes of present time (body thinking), the importance of audiovisual media for the cultural and imaginative reproduction of the social (image thinking), the “sex” for the reproduction of power within society (gender thinking), the meaning of post-historical civilizatory processes for the further development of the creature called “human” (creature thinking), critical social theory for the maintenance of a thinking that assumes from the suffering (critical thinking).

Other texts by Ulaş Aktaş for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2012
    Polymorphe Vernunft und kulturale Sinnlichkeit, in: Räume der Unterbrechung. Theater. Performance. Pädagogik, Oberhausen, Athena
  • 2010
    Stimmung. Die Ästhetik kulturaler Sphären, Berlin, sine causa
  • English
  • 2011
    Nomadic thinking and its tents of nearness, in: magazine GHREB, Norval Baitello , Ort, Verlag
  • crisis
  • immunization
  • dancing
  • politics
  • body