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Reiner Schürmann Selected Writings & Lecture Notes

Edited by Francesco Guercio, Michael Heitz, Ian Alexander Moore, and Nicolas Schneider

This edition aims to provide a broader perspective on the prolific, multifaceted, and still largely unrecognized body of work produced by Reiner Schürmann (1941–1993). It brings together a selection of Schürmann’s as yet unpublished lecture notes, ­written for the courses he delivered at the New School for Social Research in New York between 1975 and 1993, with previously uncollected essays.
These works offer an additional avenue into the repertoire already available—including recent re-editions of his major philosophical works and of his only novel. The printed works will be complemented by a digital edition of Schürmann’s typescripts, along with transcriptions and an extensive critical apparatus.
We hope that the Selected Writings and Lecture Notes will contribute to a renewed appreciation of the scope of Schürmann’s philosophical endeavor and help to establish him as one of those thinkers who are indispensable for the understanding of our present—or, rather, to show our present as the moment of legibility for Schürmann’s work. We are grateful to the Reiner Schürmann Estate for entrusting us with the responsibility of this work and for their full endorsement.