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Françoise Armengaud, Annabelle Buxton: Wittgenstein’s Rhinoceros

Françoise Armengaud, Annabelle Buxton

Wittgenstein’s Rhinoceros

Softcover, 64 pages


The world is all that is the case

1914. Europe is at war. The experts on deciphering code and secret writing are wild with excitement: What in the world can be the meaning of those incomprehensible notes scribbled by secret agent Ludwig Wittgenstein? The young scholar himself is unable to help them—he is hunting a wild beast, a figure of dubious existence…

  • logics
  • Wittgenstein
  • young readers
  • thinking

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Françoise Armengaud

has taught philosophy of language and esthetics at the University Paris X-Nanterre. She is the author of several books, among them an introduction to philosophical pragmatism, and writes picture books and poems for children.

Annabelle Buxton

was born 1986 in Basingstoke (England), has studied at the École Estienne in Paris and at the École supérieure des Arts décoratifs in Strasbourg. She lives and works in Paris. She does illustrations for books, newspapers, magazines, publicity, and comic fanzines.
