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Luciana Parisi: Artificial Critique
Artificial Critique
(p. 75 – 108)

Luciana Parisi

Artificial Critique

PDF, 34 pages

  • criticism
  • digitalization
  • digital culture

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Luciana Parisi

is Professor in Critical Humanities, the Program in Literature, Duke University. Her research is a philosophical investigation of technology in culture, aesthetics and politics. She She is the author of Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire (2004, Continuum Press) and Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and Space (2013, MIT Press). She is currently completing a monograph on the history of automated reasoning and the transformation of logical thinking in machines.
Other texts by Luciana Parisi for DIAPHANES
Erich Hörl (ed.), Nelly Y. Pinkrah (ed.), ...: Critique and the Digital

The computerization of today’s world has fundamentally transformed the sites of and for critique, and it challenges the meaning of critique as such. The subject of critique, constituted through the cultural techniques of modernity, now collides with the digital, which, as a condition of contemporary life, can be seen both as a product of modernity and as its very ending. Digitality severely alters the subject of critique and its spacio-temporal relations; it may even deprive the subject of its potentiality to be critical in the first place. The authors of this volume therefore examine the existence of critique in the digital, asking what it might be and in what settings it occurs.