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Manfred Füllsack: Neighborhoods and Social Security
Neighborhoods and Social Security
(p. 151 – 164)

Manfred Füllsack

Neighborhoods and Social Security
An Agent-based Experiment on the Emergence of Common Goods

PDF, 14 pages

The paper investigates the emergence and probability of cooperation in repeated common-good-games in different network topologies. A multi-agent model is presented with agents interpreted as regularly and precariously employed workers which contribute with different probabilities to the common good of an income maintenance system. Agents memorize success and failure of investments and change probabilities in regard to their experiences. Differently structured neighborhoods, analytically seized in form of network topologies, support and constrain probability dynamics. Results indicate that the conditions supporting the emergence of cooperation might be sub-optimal for the maintenance of cooperation and vice versa.

  • history of science
  • swarm model
  • game theory
  • modeling
  • simulation
  • mathematics
  • biology
  • media technique
  • networks
  • algorithms
  • sociology
  • urbanism
  • two cultures

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