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David Graeber

David Graeber

(1961–2020) was an American anthropologist, anarchist, political activist, the author of several books, and a leading figure in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Until 2007 he was assistant and associate professor of anthropology at Yale University, until 2013 a reader for Social Anthropology at Goldsmiths, University of London, and until last a professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics.
  • English
  • 2020
  • 2011
    Revolutions in Reverse, London & New York, Minor Compositions
  • 2009
    Direct Action: an Ethnography, Edinburgh Oakland, AK Press
  • 2007
    Lost people: Magic and the Legacy of Slavery in Madagascar, Bloomington, Indiana University Press
  • German
  • 2012
    Schulden. Die ersten 5000 Jahre, Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta
  • 2012
    Kampf dem Kamikaze-Kapitalismus, Pantheon, München
  • 2012
    Inside Occupy, Frankfurt a.M., Campus
  • 2008
    Frei von Herrschaft. Fragmente einer anarchistischen Anthropologie, Wuppertal, Hammer
  • Karl Marx
  • theory of action
  • ethnology
  • anarchy
  • community
  • political theory
  • discourse history
  • gift
  • resistance
  • social contract
  • Marcel Mauss
  • society
  • money
  • anarchism
  • critique of capitalism