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Erwin Panofsky

Erwin Panofsky


was an art historian and major advocate of iconography. As professor at the newly found Hamburg University, he got involved with the intellectual circle of Fritz Saxl, Aby Warburg, and the philosopher and art theorist Ernst Cassier, centred around the Warburg's Institute. After the Nazis' assumption of power he was deprived of his academic positions and decided on permanently emigrating to the United States in 1934. He was to teach at New York University and later became professor of the School of Historical Studies of the newly founded Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, a private research centre near Princeton University. Panofsky has been described as the »ur-iconologist«, yet the diversity of his methodology is difficult to summarize. He started from being a scholar of medieval and northern Renaissance art, but succeeded the conventional approach of analysis by matching the artwork’s subject matter to a symbolic iconology of meaning, which he drew from literature and other art works. Art historians around the world subsequently acknowledged his findings as a groundbreaking new approach on art history.

  • German
  • 2012
  • 2005
    Was ist Barock?, Berlin, Philo and Philo Fine Arts
  • 2001
    Erwin Panofsky. Korrespondenz 1910-1968. Eine kommentierte Auswahl in fünf Bänden. (Hg. von Dieter Wuttke)), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz
  • 1996
    Die Renaissancen der europäischen Kunst, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp
  • 1994
    Saturn und Melancholie : Studien zur Geschichte der Naturphilosophie und Medizin, der Religion und der Kunst (mit Fritz Saxl und Raymond Klibansky), Frankfurt a. M., Suhrkamp
  • 1993
    Die ideologischen Vorläufer des Rolls-Royce-Kühlers & Stil und Medium im Film, Frankfurt a.M., Campus Verlag
  • 1980
    Studien in Ikonologie, Köln, DuMont
  • 1975
    Sinn und Deutung in der bildenden Kunst, Köln, DuMont
  • 1967
    Das Leben und die Kunst Albrecht Dürers, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
  • 1964
    Aufsätze zu Grundfragen der Kunstwissenschaft, Berlin, Hessling
  • 1964
    Grabplastik, Köln, DuMont
  • 1962
    Sokrates in Hamburg oder Vom Schönen und Guten, Hamburg, Gesellschaft der Bücherfreunde
  • 1930
    Hercules am Scheidewege und andere antike Bildstoffe in der neuen Kunst, Berlin, Teubner
  • 1924
    Idea. Ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte der älteren Kunsttheorie, Leipzig, Teubner
  • 1924
    Die deutsche Plastik des elften bis dreizehnten Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, H. Schmidt & C. Günther
  • 1923
    Dürers Melencolia I, Leipzig, Teubner
  • 1922
    Handzeichnungen Michelangelos, Leipzig, E.A. Seemann
  • 1922
    Dürers Stellung zur Antike, Wien, E. Hölzel & Co.
  • 1921
    Die sixtinische Decke, Leipzig, E.A. Seemann
  • 1915
    Dürers Kunsttheorie, vornehmlich in ihrem Verhältnis zur Kunsttheorie der Italiener, Berlin, G. Reimer
  • English
  • 1960
    Renaissance and renascences in Western art, Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell
  • 1954
    Galileo as a critic of the arts, The Hague, Nijhoff
  • 1951
    Gothic architecture and scholasticism, Latrobe, Archabbey Press
  • 1940
    The Codex Huygens and Leonardo da Vinci's art theory, London, Warburg Institute
  • 1939
    Studies in iconology, New York, Oxford University Press
  • Renaissance
  • theory of the image
  • iconology
  • natural sciences
  • science of art