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Ines Kleesattel

Ines Kleesattel

is an art theorist and philosopher, teaching and researching at Zurich University of the Arts. Her research interests are political aesthetics, critical theories, situated knowledges in artistic research, aesthetics of post-colonial translocality, and the poetics of theory. Among the books she (co)authored are: Politische Kunst-Kritik. Zwischen Rancière und Adorno (Turia+Kant, 2016), The Future is Unwritten. Position und Politik kunstkritischer Praxis (Diaphanes, 2018); Polyphone Ästhetik. Eine kritische Situierung (transversal texts, 2019).
Other texts by Ines Kleesattel for DIAPHANES
  • art scene
  • digitalization
  • commitment
  • contemporary art
  • cultural journalism
  • algorithms
  • cultural practice
  • gaze
  • art criticism
  • digital media
  • digital culture
  • culture industry
  • art
  • mass media
  • cyberculture