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Ines Kleesattel (ed.), Ruedi Widmer (ed.): Scripted Culture

Ines Kleesattel (ed.), Ruedi Widmer (ed.)

Scripted Culture
Digitalization and the Cultural Public Sphere

Softcover, 288 pages

PDF, 288 pages


Culture through the lens of digitalization

When we look at the cultural public sphere through the lens of digitalization, a paradoxical picture emerges: the cultural public sphere is simultaneously exploding and imploding; the most essential objectives of the Enlightenment have been attained and yet are in danger; platforms and algorithms are vehicles both for self-determination and for heteronomy. Long-standing values from the Enlightenment values and new realities, the citizen and the consumer, rational systems of humans and machines alike are both separate in inextricable from one another in this picture.

  • culture industry
  • algorithms
  • digitalization
  • mass media
  • digital culture
  • digital media
  • cultural practice

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Ines Kleesattel

Ines Kleesattel

is an art theorist and philosopher, teaching and researching at Zurich University of the Arts. Her research interests are political aesthetics, critical theories, situated knowledges in artistic research, aesthetics of post-colonial translocality, and the poetics of theory. Among the books she (co)authored are: Politische Kunst-Kritik. Zwischen Rancière und Adorno (Turia+Kant, 2016), The Future is Unwritten. Position und Politik kunstkritischer Praxis (Diaphanes, 2018); Polyphone Ästhetik. Eine kritische Situierung (transversal texts, 2019).
Other texts by Ines Kleesattel for DIAPHANES
Ruedi Widmer

Ruedi Widmer

is responsible for the subject of culture journalism and for the Masters course in »publizieren & vermitteln« at the Zurich University of the Arts. He studied film and philosophy at the University Paris VIII and at the University of Zurich and then worked as journalist and publisher in the areas of film, media, design, art and culture (including for Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Hochparterre, Weltwoche, MAGAZIN, Jahrbuch CINEMA). Most recently he published contributions in newspapers and books on culture journalism in the context of media change, on American drama series, and on the design dimension of journalistic media in Switzerland.

Other texts by Ruedi Widmer for DIAPHANES