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Joaneath Spicer

is, after teaching at University of Toronto for over fifteen years, the James A. Murnaghan Curator of Renaissance and Baroque Art at the Walter Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. Besides several exhibitions and catalogues on several aspects of Italian and Netherlandish Baroque Art at the Walters and further publications on related themes, or Italian painting, she is specialist for art and science at the court of Rudolf II in Prague ca. 1600, particularly regarding aspects of innovation under courtly conditions.

Other texts by Joaneath Spicer for DIAPHANES
  • German
  • 2005
    Masterpieces of Italian painting: the Walters Art Museum (mit Morten Steen Hansen), London, Giles
  • 2005
    »The role of ›Invention‹ in art and science at the court of Rudolf II«, in: Studia Rudolphina 5, S. 7-16, Prag, Artefactum
  • Baroque
  • 17th century
  • epistemology
  • science of art
  • painting
  • art history