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Muda Mathis

is a performance artist and lecturer at the HGK, Basel. She studied at the Sigurt Leeder School of Dance, Herisau and has been working as performance artist organizing installations, band projects for women and exhibitions since 1980. She studied under René Pulfer and took classes in Audiovisual Design at the Schule für Gestaltung, Basel (1986-1988). Together with Piplotti Rist and others she embarked on a series of performance projects on video installations.

  • German
  • 2011
    Floating Gaps, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2010
    Muda Mathis - Sus Zwick (Bildband), Sulgen, Zürich, Niggli
  • 2003
    Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick : Kunstmuseum Olten (Hg. von Pierre-André Lienhard, Annina Zimmermann und Esther Maria Jungo), Basel, Schwabe
  • 1997
    Nicht nur Körper : Künstlerinnen im Gespräch ; Miriam Cahn, Hannah Villiger, Muda Mathis, Pipilotti Rist, Maya Rikli, Daniela Keiser, Pia Gisler (Hg. von Isabelle Malz), Baden, Müller
  • 1995
    J'aime l'éléctricité : Muda Mathis (Hg. mit Markus Landert), eine Publikation des Kunstmuseums Thurgau, Sulgen, Niggli
  • Basel
  • memory
  • performance
  • contemporary art
  • performing arts
  • performance art