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Sabine Gebhardt Fink

Sabine Gebhardt Fink

studied Art History, Philosophy, German Literature and Theatre Studies at the Universities of Munich and Basel graduating with a Ph.D. on the Transformation of Action. She has been post-doctorate at the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts (2004-2008), deputising assistant to the Head of Department of Cultural Studies in the Arts at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and lecturer of Art History at the Ruhr University, Bochum, (2009-2011). Since 2011 she held the chair of professorship in Fine Arts at the University of Applied Arts and Design, Lucerne. She is also involved with projects at the Swiss National Science Foundation on Iconic Criticism (SNF-Bildkritik) and co-founder of the Performance Index Basel. Her research focus is on The Situated Body, Perform Space, Intermedia Conditions, Exhibition Displays and Hermann Obrist and the Art Nouveau Sculpture.

  • English
  • 2024
  • German
  • 2011
    Floating Gaps, Zürich, diaphanes
  • 2009
    »Ambient in Kunst, Musik und Theater«, in: Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Heft 54/1, Hamburg, Meiner
  • 2008
    »Situierter Körper und Sexualisierter Raum«, in: Martina Oster, Waltraud Ernst, Marion Gerards (Hg.): Performativität und Performance, Geschlecht in Musik, Theater und Medienkunst, Hamburg, Lit-Verlag
  • 2003
    Transformation der Aktion. Miriam Cahns performative Arbeiten und Rebecca Horns personal art, Wien, Passagen
  • art history
  • memory
  • performance
  • performing arts
  • contemporary art
  • performance art
  • Basel