»Georges Perec gilt heute vielen vor allem als Meister der kleinen Form. So klein sind die Formen mitunter, dass man sie leicht übersieht: 2018 erschien Perecs in Frankreich geradezu legendäre Erzählung Die Winterreise.« Tobias Lehmkuhl, Süddeutsche Zeitung
was a French writer and film maker of the post-war era. As a Polish Jew growing up during the Second World War he was lucky to survive, having been admitted to a children’s camp just before his mother was deported to Auschwitz. On his return to Paris in 1945 he went on to study history and sociology. After quitting university without graduating, he contributed a number of articles to »Nouvelle Revue française« and »Les Lettres Nouvelles«. He was called up for military service in 1958 and served to become a paratrooper in Pau for two years before finding employment as registrar at Saint-Antoine hospital. He became an active member of »L' Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle« (Oulipo) in 1967 and became renown as a writer and film producer until his early death at the age of 45.