is Professor for the history of cultural theories at the Institute for Cultural History and Theory of Humboldt-University, Berlin and works at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI. She was a fellow of the IFK Wien in 2005/06 and of the Excellence Cluster Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Constance. In 2009 she became President of the German Foundation for Phenomenological Research.
is Research Assistant at the Institute for Cultural History and Theory of Humboldt-University, Berlin and works at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI. She studied Physics, Literature and Cultural History and Theory in Berlin and London, and subsequently wrote her doctoral thesis on genealogical practices in the sciences of the 18th century at Humboldt-University and the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science. She has been working on the theories of social space and on a history of the auxiliary sciences (Chronology, Metrology, Lexicology). In 2009 she co-founded the journal »ilinx – Berliner Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft« and is editor of a podcast-site that provides recent lectures on cultural an spatial theory (Tonargumente).