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Jussi Parikka: Magic by Design – Conjuring Media Realities
Magic by Design – Conjuring Media Realities
(p. 203 – 210)

Jussi Parikka

Magic by Design – Conjuring Media Realities

PDF, 8 pages

  • ritual
  • occultism
  • spiritism
  • contemporary art

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Selected content

Jussi Parikka

is a professor of technological culture and aesthetics at the Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton). His publications have addressed a variety of topics relevant to a critical understanding of network culture and the aesthetics and media archaeology of the digital, including the media-ecology trilogy Digital Contagions (2007, 2nd updated edition 2016), Insect Media and most recently, A Geology of Media (2010 and 2015 repectively), which addresses the environmental waste load of technical media culture. In addition, Parikka has published What is Media Archaeology (2012) and edited various books, including Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History (2015, with Joasia Krysa) on the Finnish media-art pioneer Erkki Kurenniemi. http://
Susanne Witzgall (ed.): Real Magic

In Western societies a newly discovered and very lively interest in magical practices and occult knowledge can be witnessed. The magical seems to be evolving into a popular phenomenon that affects society as a whole and is also becoming the subject of intense debate in artistic and academic-scientific contexts. The book Real Magic investigates the current realities of the magical in the contemporary arts, sciences and everyday culture. It explores the present Western residues and forms of magical practices, the current potentials of magical perception and thinking in a world largely determined by financialised instrumental reason, and also the drawbacks of occultism. The publication is the result of the fourth annual programme of the cx centre of interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.
