»In diesem Band beleuchten diverse Autor/innen, wie sich Ruinen, Theater und Kunst als demokratische Räume formieren.« Kunstbulletin
worked as research fellow on »Das Leben schreiben. Medientechnologie und die Wissenschaften vom Leben (1800–1900)«, a research project at Weimar University (2002-2005). Thereafter she was assistant with the professorship of the modern history of arts at Basel University and member of the Swiss National Science Foundation on Iconic Criticism (SNF-Bildkritik). She currently holds a chair as Professor of Art History and Aesthetics at the Academy of Fine Arts Muenster.
studied History and Theatre Studies in Berlin. He was research assistant at the SFB 447 "Kulturen des Performativen" with a project on "Spektakuläre Experimente" (2001-2005) and thereafter taught at the faculty of Theatre Studies at Freie Universität Berlin (2005-2010). His dissertation was on "Theatermaschine und Festungsbau. Paradoxien der Wissensproduktion im 17. Jahrhundert" (2006).