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Fabienne Liptay

Fabienne Liptay is professor of film studies at the University of Zurich and member of the Center for the Arts and Cultural Theory (ZKK). She directs the research project Exhibiting Film: Challenges of Format, for which she was awarded an excellence grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her research focuses on the aesthetics and theory of the moving image, the relationship between film, literature, photography, and performance, the institutional practices and curatorial concepts of film exhibition, and the aesthetic politics of film formats. Her publications include the book Telling Images: Studien zur Bildlichkeit des Films (diaphanes, 2016) and the co-edited volumes Immersion in the Visual Arts and Media (Brill, 2015), Artur Żmijewski: Kunst als Alibi (diaphanes, 2017), and Taking Measures: Usages of Formats in Film and Video Art (Scheidegger & Spiess, 2023).
Other texts by Fabienne Liptay for DIAPHANES
  • Think Art
  • Theodor W. Adorno
  • global ecology
  • political aesthetics
  • art
  • artistic practice
  • image and imagery
  • performativity
  • film
  • aesthetics
  • gaze
  • ecology
  • art theory