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Daniel Loick: “ if it were a thing”: A Feminist Critique of Consent
“ if it were a thing”: A Feminist Critique of Consent
(p. 131 – 156)

Daniel Loick

“ if it were a thing”: A Feminist Critique of Consent

PDF, 26 pages

  • justice
  • criticism
  • law
  • society
  • legal practice

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Daniel Loick

is affiliated with Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (as “Privatdozent”) and with the Frankfurt University Institute for Social Research. After receiving his PhD in 2010, he held positions at multiple institutes in Germany, Switzerland, and the US. His main research interests are in political, cultural, legal and social philosophy, social theory, and political theory. Among his publications are four books, Kritik der Souveränität (Frankfurt: Campus, 2012; English translation as A Critique of Sovereignty (London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018)), Der Missbrauch des Eigentums (Berlin: August Verlag, 2016), Anarchismus zur ­Einführung (Hamburg: Junius, 2017), and most recently Juridismus. Konturen einer kritischen Theorie des Rechts (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2017).
Liza Mattutat (ed.), Roberto Nigro (ed.), ...: What’s Legit?

Once considered a stepchild of social theory, legal criticism has received a great deal of attention in recent years, perpetuating what has always been an ambivalent relationship. On the one hand, law is praised for being a cultural achievement, on the other, it is criticised for being an instrument of state oppression. Legal criticism’s strategies to deal with this ambivalence differ greatly: while some theoreticians seek to transcend the institution of law altogether, others advocate a transformation of the form of law or try to employ counter-hegemonic strategies to change the content of law, deconstruct its basis or invent rights. By presenting a variety of heterogeneous approaches to legal criticism, this volume points out transitions and exhibits irreconcilable differences of these approaches. Without denying the diversity of different forms of critique, they are related to one another with the aim of broadening the debates which all too often are conducted only within the boundaries of the separate theoretical currents.