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Liliana Gómez: Performing Human Rights. An Introduction
Performing Human Rights. An Introduction
(p. 7 – 28)

Liliana Gómez

Performing Human Rights. An Introduction

PDF, 22 pages

  • politics
  • Human rights
  • Think Art
  • justice
  • violence
  • performance
  • collective memory

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Liliana Gómez

Liliana Gómez

Liliana Gómez is professor of art and society at the University of Kassel/ Kunsthochschule Kassel and the documenta Institut. She directs the research project Contested Amnesia and Dissonant Narratives in the Global South: Post-Conflict in Literature, Art, and Emergent Archives for which she was awarded an excellence grant and SNSF-professorship by the Swiss National Science Foundation. She writes about cultural and media theories, the history of modernity, especially with regard to the arts, the urban and botany, aesthetics and decoloniality, art and human rights, visual cultures and the environmental humanities. Recently she edited Performing Human Rights: Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practices in the Global South (diaphanes, 2021) and co-edited Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art (Routledge, 2020). She is the author of the book Archive Matter: A Camera in the Laboratory of the Modern (diaphanes, 2023) and editor-in-chief of the journal Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture.
Other texts by Liliana Gómez for DIAPHANES
Liliana Gómez (ed.): Performing Human Rights

The invisibilization of political violence, its material traces and spatial manifestations, characterize (post)conflict situations. Yet counter-semantics and dissonant narratives that challenge this invisibility have been articulated by artists, writers, and human rights activists that increasingly seek to contest the related historical amnesia. Adopting “performance” as a concept that is defined by repetitive, aesthetic practices—such as speech and bodily habits through which both individual and collective identities are constructed and perceived (Susan Slyomovics)—this collection addresses various forms of performing human rights in transitional situations in Spain, Latin America, and the Middle East. Bringing scholars together with artists, writers, and curators, and working across a range of disciplines, Performing Human Rights addresses these instances of omission and neglect, revealing how alternate institutional spaces and strategies of cultural production have intervened in the processes of historical justice and collective memory.


With contributions by Zahira Aragüete-Toribio, Pauline Bachmann, Vikki Bell, Liliana Gómez, Joscelyn Jurich, Uriel Orlow, Friederike Pannewick, Elena Rosauro, Dorota Sajewska, Stephenie Young.