graduated from Ibero-Romanic literatures and languages and received her Ph.D. in 1987 and wrote her post-doctoral thesis (1997) at the University of Basel entitled "Coleccionismo y literatura" on the manifold relations between collectionism and literature. She has been a visiting professor in Nancy and, since 2004, a full professor of Hispanic languages and literatures at the University of St.Gallen. Her main research areas include that of transcultural studies, especially the case of US-Latinos, the topic of failure in literature and Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas. Her current duties include that of a director of the Research Centre for Latin-American Studies (CLS HSG) and of the Research Training Group ProDoc on Transcultural Studies in Latin-America; moreover she is the director's delegate for the "Public Program" of the University of St.Gallenand the president of the art commission.