»Fernab aller Begriffsjongliererei schimmert der Zweck des Anliegens durch, wenn Badiou daran erinnert, dass es Lacan weniger um abstrakte Gedankenspiralen als um die Praxis seiner analytischen Erfahrung gegangen sei.« Tim Caspar Boehme, taz
is a philosopher, dramaturg, novelist, and mathematician. He taught philosophy at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis), at the École Normale Supérieure, and at the Collège international de philosophie. He is the author of several novels and plays as well as more than a dozen philosophical works.
is a philosopher and philologist. She is director of the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) and of the Centre Léon Robin at Sorbonne-IV Paris.